Privacy Policy

By visiting and/or using our website (“website”), you agree to this Privacy Policy. We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

DISCLAIMERS website belongs to and is operated by Shenzhen Zhiyou Packaging Industry Co., Ltd. It is a website that contains affiliate links, sponsored content, paid for insertions, advertisements and several other forms of monetization.

But, we do not offer any warrant, guarantee, statement or representation regarding any information material, product content, your personal or company’s information transmitted over our website to other links or websites.

Note: we are not responsible for any grammar, punctuation, inferior image quality/resolution or spelling errors made by customers during their artwork and documentation presentation. Such a statement applies to errors done during product choosing, quality, type of product ordered, and lastly damage made to products after they are delivered to the client.

For any comment found on this website, they are purely those of the author. If you find any topic or product that we have endorsed on this website. We do so because we believe in our expertise and knowledge that the very product or service is worth our endorsement.

There are no conflicting interests or contents on this website.


This Privacy Policy takes in all the subjects attached to our website and incorporates the same meaning as contained in the Terms and Conditions found on our website.

The Privacy policies cover all treatments personal information (personally identifiable information) and any other non-personal identifiable information that our website gathers or gets access to when you visit our Website.

By visiting our website, we expressly take it that you have accepted our policies in consent that we will get and disclose your information as highlighted in this Privacy policy.


Once you decide to visit our page, whether to order something, track your order, or confirm something by contacting us or reading about our products, we will collect different types of information.

The main reason as to why we do collect personal information is to:

·Verify your identity as well as the information you provide to us,

·Do our math’s calculation and accountability on fee collection,

·Troubleshoot and analyze our website traffic and statistics for improvement reasons,

·Encourage and improve the safe online experience,

·Help us customize our Website,

·To help us analyze your inquiries and searches to ease your experience on our Website,

·Inform users about our services and products both new and old;


After visiting our website, we might collect or ask you to provide us with various kinds of personally identifiable information (personal information). Such are the details we will use to contact or identify who you are.

We collect different types of personal details, but they are not limited to:

·Your names (first and last name)

·Email address

·Contact number (phone or home/company numbers)

·Geographical location (e.g. state/country, province), Address, Zip/Postal code, Town/City



·Credit Card details(If we need)

·Paypal Account


Any information that we are going to collect from you, may it be personal or demographic data, it solely meant to help us improve the services we offer to you and how we operate our business.

If we are to disclose your information to any 3rd party, we will only disclose it to a contracted service provider we trust.

Some of the 3rd party contractors we might disclose your personal details to are: logistic partners, for example, shipping/transport agencies, IT service providers or marketing agencies.

During your experience on our site and in the course of doing business with us, this is how we use and disclose the information you provide to us.


First, at Zhiyou Packaging we are committed to keeping your email confidential. At no time will we share your email with an unauthorized 3rd party. On the same note, we will not share your email with any government agency or company unless we get strictly compelled by the law.

We will only use your email address to solely provide you with information regarding our products, services or essential details attached to your order.

Remember, we will protect and maintain the information you send us via your email as per the federal law.

Details on email use

a. CAN-SPAM Compliance

All the email we will send you will comply with CAN-SPAM. Meaning, any email that will be sent to you from our company will indicate the sender and how to contact the sender if need be.

b. Choice/Opt-Out

If you wish not to receive emails from us again, our Website will provide you with a way to opt-out of our communication platform. You can also unsubscribe from our mail list.

For users who wish to opt-out of receiving our promotional materials or newsletters, we have a link that after clicking it you will unsubscribe from our promotional and newsletter listing.


IP addresses are code like numbers generated by any computer at any time it connects to the internet. In other words, an IP address is a number used by computers connected to the internet to identify your Personal computer or mobile phone.

In connection to that, our web server will collect your computer’s IP address as part of your profile and demographic data commonly known as “Traffic Data.” Such data will help you receive any information you request such as web pages.


A cookie can be identified as a small text that includes a unique anonymous kind of identifier sent by a website to your laptop/computer. That text is used to identify or recognize you anytime you try to visit that same website again.

Cookies are files stored in computer’s hard drive, but they are read by the web browser you are using on your computer. Websites use them to recognize a device that once visited them.


There are several ways on how we make use of cookies. Some of the ways help us:

·Recognize a user who returns to our website

·Monitor the areas you visit most (your preference areas) so that we can present the info you need in the best way possible

·Measure our Website traffic and various activities once our website is visited

·Monitor the activities, identify fraud

·Improve our website through customization.

Additionally; we use cookies for Google Analytic reasons. Google analytic is a service by Google search engine that we use for reports and website traffic. Google uses it to personalize their ads on its advertising network.


Note; cookies will help you take advantage of most of our Website essential features. If you fail to accept our cookies, there are some of the areas and pop-ups you will not see.

But if you do not want to accept our cookies, there are ways you can turn them off. We have several options for you which will make your browser or computer not to store any cookies.

First, you can set your browser not to accept any cookies.

Secondly, if you don’t want your activity tracked by Google Analytics, you can opt-out by installing a Google analytics opt-out add-n. Such an add-on will ensure the is no data shared between Google Analytic and Google Analytic JavaScript


When you visit our Website, you might come across links operated by independent parties which are not under our jurisdiction. If you decide to purchase any pouch or bag from them, note we have no control regarding their content, actions or policies.

Even though you have established an account with us, we are not responsible for the kind of content or Privacy Policies that govern their website.

We candidly encourage you to be vigilant enough when making orders after leaving our Website. Any time that you have left our website ensures you read the Privacy Policies of that website and make sure you understand the types of personally identifiable information they collect.


Note: Our Privacy Policies and Terms and Condition DO NOT ALLOW us to work or address anyone under the constitutionally acceptable age of 18.

At no time will we collect personal data of anyone who is under the age of 18. In case you are parent or guardian, and it gets to your conscious your child (who is under the 18 years) as provided as with his or her personal details, kindly contact us.

Lastly, if it gets to our knowledge we have collected personal data from a child who is under the age of 18, we will take action by ourselves to pull down the concerned details.


Our Privacy Policies are subject to change. We might update them at any time when a need arises but be sure we will notify you of any changes before posting them on the privacy policy page.

Before the Privacy Policy changes becoming effective, we will notify you via email or our newsletters. We will highlight the very changes and the expected date when the changes will take effect.

We advise you to take time and read our Privacy Policies once they become effective or after they are posted on the relevant page.


At Zhiyou Packaging, we are aware of our customer’s information that needs to be secure. To protect your personal information, we ensure there is no time when unauthorized persona will get access to your information.

We have set in place electronic and physical procedures to protect your information. Anyone who gets access to your data is someone who has the authority to inform you of the services and the products you have ordered or have some interests in.

Such is what helps us maintain, administer and improve the way our Website protects and gains access to your personal information.


If you have any questions or queries in relation to this website or this Privacy Policy, please contact us.