Cigarette pouch – For storing and carrying cigarettes

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Pocket Ashtray Pouch

Biodegradable Kraft Paper Material
Eco-friendly | Airtight | Portable
Cigarette pouch

A pocket ashtray pouch is a small, portable container designed to hold cigarette butts and ashes until they can be properly disposed of. These pouches are typically made of heat-resistant materials such as silicone or metal, and often feature a zipper or snap closure to keep the contents securely contained.

Pocket ashtray pouches are a convenient way for smokers to dispose of their cigarette butts in a responsible manner, especially when they are on the go and away from traditional ashtrays. They can be easily carried in a pocket or purse, and can be emptied and cleaned as needed.

Using a pocket ashtray pouch can help to reduce litter and prevent cigarette butts from being discarded on the ground, where they can harm the environment and pose a fire hazard. Some cities and municipalities even offer free pocket ashtray pouches as part of their anti-litter campaigns, in an effort to encourage responsible smoking behavior.

Overall, a pocket ashtray pouch is a simple but effective solution for smokers who want to dispose of their cigarette butts in a responsible and eco-friendly manner.


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